The Korean War
In the American historical imagination, the Vietnam War stands out as one of the most significant and memorable events of the entire Cold War. Internationally, it inflicted massive damage on the United States' image. Repugnant photos of Vietnamese civilians being laced with napalm and agent orange while having to watch their country be torn apart by imperialist forces appalled the outside world. The south was being raided and occupied by troops aligned with the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, while the north was being carved out as a puppet for the Soviet Union and China. As this was going on, the two coalitions of expansionist thieves clashed with one another, attempting to force the other half of Vietnam under their rule. At home, the country became sharply divided between those who supported the war and wanted to harshly punish draft dodgers and those who denounced the war and called for compassion for those resisting it. There were bright spots, such as the expansion...