
Showing posts from June, 2023

What Caused the Great Depression?

In American economic history, no event is a more profound influence or quintessential watershed than the Great Depression. Tainting the presidencies of Herbert Hoover  and Franklin D. Roosevelt , the Great Depression weighed down the US and its financial status for 11 agonizing years, beginning in 1929 and ending in 1941. Obviously, this era of profound monetary melancholy did not go on unnoticed. It catalyzed a profound shift in the nature of American economic and financial life, particularly in terms of corporate regulation and federal fiscal policy. Even Hoover, a student of the laissez-faire  school of economic thought that would birth Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Van Mises, and Friedrich Hayek, had to embrace a more interventionist approach to cope with the Great Depression. However, as even the US history layman knows, the regulations signed by Hoover paled in comparison to those supported by FDR. Roosevelt launched the New Deal, in which the federal government began a project of unpr

The Women's Suffrage Movement

Ever since the 1920 election, in which Warren G. Harding and his running mate Calvin Coolidge defeated James M. Cox and then-vice presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt , millions of American women have participated in Constitutional democracy. In that election, the women who boldly voiced their opinion and advanced their beliefs by placing their votes in the ballot box were aware of just how unique this moment was. For over 70 years, American women had been engaged in a vast array of activism, protesting, boycotting, convening, and in a few cases, rioting in order to make sure that the promises made by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence would not be denied to them any longer. The 1920 election was the culmination of 7 decades of hard work, bravery, and strength. However, 100 years after that brilliant day, this vital victory for American freedom has been largely forgotten. People of all genders attend the ballot box every 2 years, casting their votes without